Notes to Self

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Visual Studio Code, Pylint and gettext’s _() function

10 Mar 2018

I love Visual Studio Code. It’s an awesome little brother for the VS2017 Pro that I use at work. I especially like using it to write Python but one of its linters (Pylint) has been annoying me to no end because of gettext’s _() function.

Since _ is installed in the built-in namespace by gettext.GNUTranslations.install() and is not imported in any modules, PyLint is always complaining that the _ variable is undefined which is really annoying.

As usual, the solution is easy once you find the right documentation: just use the --additional-builtins option when calling Pylint (version 0.7.0 and above).

That means that you have to add the following lines to your user or workspace settings:

"python.linting.pylintArgs": [

And that’s it.
